Fava Tea

Sweeten Your Tea!

Most of the tea consumed in the United States isn’t hot, and it isn’t green. It’s usually a traditional black tea, and more often than not, it’s iced and sweetened! We’ve already talked about how to make the perfect iced tea and the basics of iced tea, but today we’re focusing on the last element of the equation: all things sweet!

Liberty Teas

The Boston Tea Party was just the beginning. As boycotts became common throughout the colonies, and as the war dragged on, colonists were faced with the challenge of replacing their daily tea intake without supporting the crown. Solutions came in a multitude of forms, including smuggled products and alternatives grown in colonial backyards. One thing, however, has always remained the same: their love of tea!

May Favorites

It’s gonna be May! Or rather, it already is! As we creep our way closer to the longest days of the year, it’s time to focus on sweet, fruity summer blends and the perfect iced tea. From teas for the mom in your life, to special summer celebrations and teas to sip in your garden, there’s always something new to try at Fava Tea!

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